Call for Applications: Masa 2025 Fellowship Program

Call for Fellowship Applications for website
Masa is now accepting applications for our 2025 Fellowship program! This includes participation in an Intro to Xicano Studies course–facilitated by Masa staff and professors from Michigan State and Grand Valley State universities–where we’ll be studying Indigenous social movements in Mexico and the history of Xicanos in the US.
Each fellow will complete an independent project that addresses social justice for Xicano and/or “Latine” communities. These projects can be geared toward your particular interests, whether that’s making music, writing poetry, painting, community organizing, or something else. We are reserving several fellowships for people who are interested in gardening and can help us maintain our milpa, or who are interested in developing social media content with us as their project.
The fellowship comes with a $5,000 stipend and requires participation in regular online discussions, as well as two in-person gatherings (see dates below). These are spaces where we will discuss assigned materials from the Intro to Xicano Studies course, workshop fellows’ projects, build community and celebrate. The purpose of the program is to promote engagement with decolonial cultural and political work, and to help build a supportive network of creative Xicano, Mexican and “Latine” people.
To apply, complete this Google form by Thursday, December 19th. Requests for virtual interviews will follow for successful applications. Anyone residing in the state of Michigan 18 years of age and older is eligible to apply, though we will consider applications from those who live immediately adjacent to the state. Before applying, please familiarize yourself with our organizational shared values.
Required Fellowship Meetings:
Online meetings will be held via Zoom 6-8pm EST on the following Wednesdays: March 26th, April 9th, April 23rd, May 21st, June 11th, June 25th, July 9th, July 23rd.
There will be 2 required in-person gatherings held 11am-6pm EST on Saturday, May 3rd and Saturday, August 9th. These meetings will be held in Battle Creek and Grand Rapids. Lodging will be offered to those commuting significant distances.
We estimate the overall time commitment for the program to be roughly 175 hours, from March 26th to August 9th, 2025. This includes all time spent reading, discussing, attending meetings, completing projects, etc.
Review Details
We will try to notify accepted applicants as early in March as possible, with the official start date of the fellowship being March 26th. The following members of Masa's lead team will be reviewing applications and facilitating the program:
Dr. Nerli Paredes Ruvalcaba - Postdoctoral Research Associate, Michigan State University
Victoria Fox-Ramon - multi-disciplinary artist and Community Movement Specialist, Masa Center
Dr. Santos Felipe Ramos - musician, writer, and Assistant Professor, Grand Valley State University
Everardo Cuevas - writer, PhD Candidate, and Instructor, Michigan State University